To be completely honest I have never worried about getting old, and now I cherish every bit of age because let's be honest you only get to do it once! Please don't take this to mean I'm embracing my grey hairs or wrinkles, hell no! If there's a cream or hair dye that makes me more presentable I'm sold! But turning 40 meant one thing......PARTY!
I love a party, I've had parties for most of my milestone birthdays and if you know me you'll know I’d celebrate the opening of an envelope! My party was fab, I was surrounded by love and friendship that had spanned years, I did some singing on karaoke (apologies for that!!) and I made a (slightly drunken) speech! (Sorry for that too!) but I loved my party, it was fab! The only thing was, I was expecting a stripper! I’ve had one at all my main birthdays you see, but none came. To be fair, I was more disappointed for nana Joan, 90 she may be, but she loves a stripper!
So party over (hangover lingering!) I went to see Professor Fennel in Leicester on Tuesday. He spent 2 hours talking to us and is a lovely man with a lovely team. His opinion is that MiST 5 trial (immunotherapy and PARP inhibitor) is my best bet right now. So I’ll likely start mid-September and it will be weekly. With treatment every 3 weeks (with a stopover) then to every 6 weeks after a while. CT scans every 6 weeks for surveillance. If all goes well and I tolerate the treatment I can stay on the immunotherapy for up to 2 years and the PARP Inhibitor for up to 5 years. So I’ll be up and down to Leicester like a fiddlers elbow! I’m going to need company and so applications are currently open for drivers, singers and all round entertainers to accompany me on these many journeys! People with good craic only need apply! 😂
In other news. I have officially been dismissed from South Tees Hospitals on the grounds of ill health and have taken ill health retirement. Oddly this happened on the 18th of August and so I officially got the sack on my birthday!! In all seriousness this has been one of the hardest decisions throughout this whole situation. My job has been my life, I love it, I love that hospital, I love that trust, I love the people I have encountered throughout my time there. From a naive 17 year old Healthcare Assistant to Staff Nurse to senior Staff Nurse, to Clinical Sister, to Respiratory Nurse, to Ward Manager, to Advanced Critical Care Practitioner. From Band 2 to Band 8a. I have loved every second of it and cannot write or talk about it without filling up. It’s been my life, my career. As sad as I am to leave it behind I know it is the right thing to do for me and my family. So that’s it, I’m retired. Probs just do some gardening and knitting now then? What? No! Of course not! I’m just going to write a new chapter. Who knows what the future holds.
Ps. I’m still spreading the word! I was interviewed by the beautiful Amy Oakenden last week on the radio and the interview goes out this Saturday (27th August) at 08:10am and 09:10am on BBC Radio Tees. I know I’m 40 and retired now but I definitely have a face for radio! 😂
Filling up reading that you no longer work for the Trust. I can remember so many shifts on the then new GHDU with you. It was always a pleasure to work with you, Helen. I remember when you were IPC link and we left a bedpan with fake contents and seemingly used pinny and gloves on the nurses station one night to wind you up 😂 And I remember the last shift I worked with you. In surge. In full PPE. We had the chance to sit and have a lovely chat that night and put the world to rights. I’ll really miss working with you. Well done for all you’re doing against the immense challenge you face. You really…
Helen B
26 août 2022
En réponse à
Ah Scott I remember this well. I have so many good memories! Haha yea I remember the bedpan I was livid lol. IPC was my baby lol I think my 30th birthday cake had a pair of clean hands iced on it! 😂 I will miss working with you too. You are all the best team, my work family for so long. I will miss you all so much ❤️ keep up the good work, the patients could not be in better hands xx
Filling up reading that you no longer work for the Trust. I can remember so many shifts on the then new GHDU with you. It was always a pleasure to work with you, Helen. I remember when you were IPC link and we left a bedpan with fake contents and seemingly used pinny and gloves on the nurses station one night to wind you up 😂 And I remember the last shift I worked with you. In surge. In full PPE. We had the chance to sit and have a lovely chat that night and put the world to rights. I’ll really miss working with you. Well done for all you’re doing against the immense challenge you face. You really…