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Chemo Life - Hair today gone tomorrow

Writer: Helen BHelen B

Updated: Nov 1, 2021

It’s been almost 2 weeks since cycle 2. It’s been slightly worse than cycle 1 but I expected that. It has a slight cumulative effect so symptoms will get slightly worse with each cycle. Each Chemotherapy drug works in different ways but essentially it is introduced into the body (either orally or through a vein - IV) and targets cells that are dividing (regenerating), cancer cells are always dividing and so chemo targets these cells at the point of this happening and causes cell death. Because of this method of action it also destroys other cells that are dividing, hence hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, neuropathy (Pins and needles). Wow that was a lot! If you know me, you know I’m a massive geek and always have to have all the info, I’m about 2 steps away from enrolling on an oncology course!!

So, hair loss. I had quite a lot of hair loss this week so I had a bit of an emotional few days. I was all ready to chop it all off when my sister in law (also best hairdresser ever!!), Nicola, calmed me down and reassured me that I could hold on to my locks for a bit longer (Drama averted! Wigs stood down!)

Hair loss happens because hair follicle cells are rapidly regenerating and remember this is what chemo targets, killing the cells and preventing new hair growth. Cold caps can be used, these constrict the blood vessels to the head, preventing the chemo in the blood from killing these cells. We lose around 50-100 hairs everyday normally and when you don't regenerate new ones, well you end up with hair thinning and eventually no hair at all (Cue the wig, bandana, hat, tea cosy, whatever floats yer boat!).

I‘m not sure why I was so upset? I was all geared up to wear a wig and had bought magnetic eyelashes and had a good brow pencil at the ready. I think the reality of it happening really hit me when I had a handful of hair. I’m 39 and a woman, my mam and my nana would always say your hair is your ‘crowning glory’ I never quite got that but grew up thinking it was pretty important. But weigh it up against what chemo is doing? It’s killing or slowing your cancer down. Now that’s actually important. It’s all about perspective. Which leads me to a good quote to live by.

“What you see and what you hear depend a great deal on where you’re standing”

C.S Lewis.


4 comentários

28 de out. de 2021

Inspirational words from a strong women, such a role model to others. Big hugs xx

Helen B
Helen B
01 de nov. de 2021
Respondendo a

Thanks lovely Lou ❤️ x


22 de out. de 2021

Your crowning glory is your resilience and personality and you have those in spades!!!! You are beautiful hugs xxx

Helen B
Helen B
23 de out. de 2021
Respondendo a

Ah thank you Michelle 😘 xx


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