So it had happened, the news was given. It was delivered in the best way it could be by Rehan (Dr Mustafa), I can’t imagine having to tell that to someone you know personally and have worked with closely. Kudos to him for that.
So, incurable cancer, devastated. So what’s the first thing you say when someone tells you that? Minds racing. A million questions, so what was mine? ‘When can I go back to work?’ (cue some silence).
So we came out of there (me and Mark) and both felt like we’d been hit by a bus (minus the obvious major trauma!). What do we do, we stood in the road and cried (the risk of that bus hitting us has gone up a notch!). We decide to go straight home and tell the kids. We have always been completely honest with them and this is not the thing for them to find out by proxy.
So we did. More devastation occurred. We answered their questions and spoke to them at length. Next, my family. We called them all to come over, I know it’s 2021 but a Facebook status was probably pushing it a bit! So they came. Apart from my oldest brother Gary who had the other big C (COVID). He was on the table on loud speaker. More devastation occurred. Again we answered questions and spoke at length. Scott (the middle child, so called as he fits the bill! cue laughy emoji). Walked out, too much for him to take in. Next, Marks family. Next, my close friends. Next, our close friends. More devastation occurred (See there’s a theme here?!).
So that was it, it was out. No going back, no returns, no refunds. I had it. Wow. The days that flowed were a whirlwind. Lots of messages, cards, beautiful flowers, oh the flowers, so many, we ran out of vessels to put them in!! Visits by so many people (dark humour alert), I think everyone thought I was going to die the following week (cue laughy emoji). Lots of laughing, crying and reminiscing happened after that. I felt so absolutely loved, I cried about that too.
So then it was my birthday. I've never thought much into birthdays. Come and go as they do. But this one seemed pivotal for me, would I see another one? My 40th next year, big plans, would they happen? This leads you on to thinking about other big moments. The girls finishing school. The girls finishing college. Mark’s 40th birthday. The girls graduating. The girls getting married and having children. How many big occasions would I see? Who would be there for them all when I wasn’t? I have placated myself with this, I will see as much as I can for as long as I can. That’s all that I can do. Who knows what the future holds……
Sending you and your family lots of love, words fail me Helen. Prayers and positive thoughts I’ll send for you.
you’re a very brave, inspirational and amazing lady ( like your MAM, my life long friend). Wishing you all the luck in the world lovely lady 💕xxx
Helen B
17 de nov. de 2022
Respondendo a
Thanks so much Jean ❤️
pam R
17 de set. de 2021
You are truly inspirational Helen. Whilst this blog is carthartic for you it is providing an insight and hope to others by sharing your daily struggles with what life has thrown you. I have no doubt you will deal with this how you always do...with full on determination. I wish you all the luck in the world as you go forward in the months and years ahead and hope to spend many more good times in your company. Stay strong my friend ❤
Helen B
17 de set. de 2021
Respondendo a
Thank you so much Pam. I’ll certainly try my best. I’m so glad you’re my friend 😘 xx
16 de set. de 2021
Truly beautiful words from a beautiful person. Your strength even in the face of adversity is to be admired and blows me away. I honestly don’t think I could be so strong. I’m sat here sad for you and the situation but also proud of you for your sheer hope in what must be a very dark time. Sending all my lovely love Helen. Xxxx ♥️ ❤️
Helen B
16 de set. de 2021
Respondendo a
Ah thank you so much Becky, lots of love gets me through xx
16 de set. de 2021
Sending my love, brilliantly written, because you are the best at everything 😁, I had tears and laughs altogether, you have inspired me once again so proud of you you're amazing xx
Sending you and your family lots of love, words fail me Helen. Prayers and positive thoughts I’ll send for you.
you’re a very brave, inspirational and amazing lady ( like your MAM, my life long friend). Wishing you all the luck in the world lovely lady 💕xxx
You are truly inspirational Helen. Whilst this blog is carthartic for you it is providing an insight and hope to others by sharing your daily struggles with what life has thrown you. I have no doubt you will deal with this how you always do...with full on determination. I wish you all the luck in the world as you go forward in the months and years ahead and hope to spend many more good times in your company. Stay strong my friend ❤
Truly beautiful words from a beautiful person. Your strength even in the face of adversity is to be admired and blows me away. I honestly don’t think I could be so strong. I’m sat here sad for you and the situation but also proud of you for your sheer hope in what must be a very dark time. Sending all my lovely love Helen. Xxxx ♥️ ❤️
Sending my love, brilliantly written, because you are the best at everything 😁, I had tears and laughs altogether, you have inspired me once again so proud of you you're amazing xx