My life as a whole has been pretty colourful, to tell you about it all would take a whole other blog entirely! Maybe it would be a splog - seriously prolonged log! So I’ll just bring you to the present time.
So, I live with Mark, the girls and our dog Alfie. I work at the main hospital in Middlesbrough. After lots of years of nursing and training I became an ACCP (advanced critical care practitioner) working within the critical care department. Best way to describe it for people who don’t know the role is we formulate part of the medical rota within critical care, doing some pretty cool stuff and working with some pretty cool people. I also work as an aesthetic nurse practitioner, doing Botox and the like. Here, I get to work with one of the most beautiful souls on the planet, my amazing friend Jane (cue some harp playing!).
Anyway you could say life was just going on (as it does!). I love a holiday (or 6!) and I love both my jobs. I have a wonderful family, some cracking friends and brilliant colleagues. Life was pretty bloody amazing, until…….
