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Presenting Symptoms

Writer: Helen BHelen B

So my treatment happened on Thursday 22nd September. After all the worry about it, it was fine. It went by so fast, mainly because I didn't stop talking, I know! it was totally out of character for me ;-) I met Janice, a very glam lady who I chatted to throughout the whole thing, until she had to go, then I met Walter (who likes to be called Brian), well he was just a doll! we chatted about life overseas, travelling and the like, we exchanged photos and had a right good chinwag! I warned his wife on the way out 'he might sleep all the way home!' She said "I hope not he's driving!!!".

Felt generally ok in the days following apart from my normal pain had ramped up a notch! (I'm being polite, it knacked!!). I increased my painkillers (bigger swig from the bottle!) and things did gradually calm down in the first week. First trip to Leicester for a check up and I took my bestie Jane with me, we did not shut up there and back, it was so nice to properly catch up. The following week my brother Gary and Nephew Austin came with me, same thing happened, maybe they need to be less talkative like me (hahahaha!!).

So first treatment done and feeling good. All ready to attend the Mesothelioma UK Patient and Carer Conference in Nottingham. I was asked to be a guest speaker and was assigned the last slot of the day. It was an amazing day and I met some lovely people. I was nervous about my presentation, which is not like me at all, I think it was because I was speaking to a room full of experts, experts in their own disease, who live it day in day out. It was an emotional day and to top it off I got a standing ovation following my presentation, that was so special. We then attended the awards ceremony that night and had a great night meeting all the 'faces behind the emails!'. What a lovely bunch they are. We got to dress up fancy and Mark fancied himself as a James Bond, hmmmm maybe he's 005 material. Needs to work on his gun pose and Martini drinking before he makes 007!!

Since then I've had another round of treatment and I'm still feeling good. Life is plodding on. Liv is learning to drive, I must say I would never make a good driving instructor, you need the patience of a Saint! Maddy is off to Barcelona with the school in December as part of her Spanish lessons, "Dos Cervezas Por Favor". Mines a bit rusty!! Lily has just lost another tooth, the tooth fairy may have had one too many Pinot Grigios that night because she came a day later!!!



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