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Sharp Scratch…..

Writer: Helen BHelen B

So on Monday 27th Feb I went to Leicester for pre-assessment for a planned CT guided lung biopsy the day after. A CT guided lung biopsy is where a radiologist takes samples of lung/pleural tissue under a CT scanner for guidance (see pic). Well I've given birth to 2 children naturally and let me tell you this hurt more! Lots of local anaesthetic was injected to soften the blow ("sharp scratch!") but once the needle gets into the pleura it's like someone mooching around your insides with a knitting needle! And along with this you have to stay absolutely still for around 45 minutes. Good job I'm a big fan of self medicating! A few swigs of morphine had me floating to the respiratory ward afterwards! All went well and I was allowed out after a few hours.

The tissue samples taken will go off to the lab and be analysed. Initially the tissue will be run through diagnostic testing, confirming it is what we know it to be (Epitheliod Pleural Mesothelioma). It then goes through genome sequencing, where it is analysed against a huge DNA library. This means it can determine the DNA of the cancer to determine whether there is a treatment that would work against the cancer (targeted treatment). Like trying to find an antidote to a snake venom maybe, but a lot less slimy! So we wait for those results, which should be back in 2-3 weeks.

While we wait I have been asked to speak at the annual Ladies lunch in Manchester next week so me and Janey are off for a few girly days to do that. Then just after that I have been invited to speak in parliament by Asthma + Lung UK (formerly Asthma UK and The British Lung Foundation), so me and Mark will be off to the big smoke to do that! I'm surprised people are not sick of me talking by now! But anything to raise the profile.

When we get back a big group of us girlies are doing the Midnight walk for Teesside Hospice. The hospice have helped me so much over the last few months trying to get on top of my pleuritic pain. I've made my way through the BNF (big drug book!) and I think we have a winner! Pregabalin is doing the job right now. The hospice is fully charitably funded and provides so much for the people of Teesside. We should support our local charities as much as we can, you never know when you'll need them. We have a just giving page and all donations are so gratefully received. Here is the link:

And then after all that British Summer Time begins!! Woop woop! I'm all for cosying up in front of the fire on a cold winters night but howay! The cold sucks. Bring on the sunshine!



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